Thursday, February 02, 2006


It's amazing. Some nights I can down 20 panadol to stop the pain and I'll be fine, no effect what so ever.

And other nights I can take 2 panadine forte and be off my face.

So it was last night. My head was throbbing like a pounding drum, I tried to ignore it, but there was no way I could sleep with it like that. We were out of my preferred drug of choice so I took what I found. Certainly ecstasy and weightlessness feels fantastic, but I would gladly give it all up to escape the hell I suffered when I awoke.

I was blind, I couldn't see a thing. I had to make lunch for my father, I worked quick but don't ask me what I fed him all I know is he didn't complain. My neck spasmed and the room was spinning. I could feel it coming, it felt like I was about to collapse, but I never collapse so it could only be one other thing; projectile vomit. I ran to my bed, hit the fan and lay there in the dark. It stopped anything from happening, if you are going to take drugs I recommend you know how to halt the effects of them.

Last nights events have not changed my view of drugs in any way, I still hate them, but it would be much nicer if I could live without them.


Anonymous said...

The only freedom to be found is in Jesus Christ. You'll never find fulfillment away from Him. He loves you for who you are, drugs and all. A very cool man I know used to be a drug dealer, and he was set free. He now has a wife and kids and is a youth pastor, loving life. You can find freedom.

Alisso said...

Stick to prescription and over-the-counter. More moderated dosages so you don't feel the come-down quite so heavily.

I think I need to get you another bottle of nurofen :P

Shadow of a Joke said...

2 panadine, I think that's a moderated dosage.

Sympathetic, thank you for your concern.

Alisso said...

Panadeine has codeine in it, though, that can be a bit rougher than paracetamol or ibuprofen.

If you took it on an empty stomach, that can cause problems as well, although not usually to that extent, it just gets to the bloodstream faster without food to filter through.

I think the key problem is that your brain and drugs don't always get along. Stock up on the good stuff and you'll be fine *s*

Sovereign Syre said...

I find that cheap Chinese food can fix almost anything drugs have broken.

ann said...

Hope you're feeling a lot lot better now. I'm hopeless with medication; most of it makes me off the wall and floating in space, so I know where you're coming from.

Just be well and take good care of yourself.

lotsa luv ann xxxxxx