Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Happy Halloween

I've never celebrated Halloween, sure I'll throw a party and dress up like a tool, but when I was a child and the other neighborhood kids trick-or-treated I was never allowed to. My parents wouldn't let me, I'm not sure why, the streets were a lot safer then than they are now. So I've never got to go, it doesn't really matter, but I would like to have known what it was like. It wasn't even the chocolates that interested me, it was the atmosphere, it's also a good way to meet the neighbors.
All those adorable little monsters will be running round the streets tonight, what fun it will be for them... I think I'll lock the gates and turn the doorbell off :P

Have a good Halloween everyone.


bogusboobs said...

Halloween is a rare night indeed, and especially for those reared in a super-religious atmosphere. It's amazing the fear that a little harmless play-acting can generate in those who don't know how to have fun. I mean, how many of the little rugrats who'll (try to) ring your doorbell this fine eve actually KNOW who the Celts were, or why they danced about in the moonlight?

Chocolate kisses to you, dear. Be well and take care. I'll be thinking of you as I roam the streets tonight in search of ...

Shadow of a Joke said...

thanks, what are Reese's? peanut butter cups?
Kids today should really learn the history of their holidays, I loved learning obout the Celts