Monday, February 27, 2006

Song snippets

How does your heart beat?
Why do you breath?


Criminal Minds Fan said...

I am trying to remember what song this is from. Give us a hint please. I hope you have a wonderful week. :)

Shadow of a Joke said...

it's from a few movies.

why do you come here uninvited, you're on the outside, stay on the outside.

You and your letters that go on forever, you and the people that were never friends

there's more of it, I may have worded it slightly wrong, I type it from memory

Axe said...

I have no idea, but it sounds catty!!
Tell us Shadow!

Alisso said...

It's called "How", by Lisa Loeb.

[google knows all ;)]

Shadow of a Joke said...

Odd, I tried to goodle those words to see if they were correct and I got nothing similar.

Alisso said...

I googled "How does your heart beat?" and "lyrics" and got a stack of pages. When it comes to lyrics, poetry or quotes, having the quote marks helps catch sites with that particular phrase, rather than just the words in it.

Maybe google just doesn't like you anymore cause it knows you're two-timing it with askjeeves? :D