I always say no one is perfect, and I love the comment, only human, but then I am reminded of the old milk add. You know the one, the slogan was, 'You can't improve on perfect.' Now I believe the saying, but I am also aware of the imperfections of milk. It leads me to wonder, is there anything that is actually perfect?
I know mans beauty is defined by its imperfections and I can truly appreciate that. What about nature?
I suppose you can't say what is and what isn't until you define perfection.
Is it symmetry? A pattern repeating itself?
Is it cooperative? Everything running smoothly together.
Is it uniqueness? The beauty of difference.
Is it beauty? The ability to be prettier than those around you.
Can you even define it?
It is everything and nothing at the same time. How can you understand something that can't clearly be defined? Even a piece of writing can never be perfect. Syntax, grammar, punctuation, they can be fine, but someone will always find fault unless the piece is beyond their imperfection detection ability. Peoples opinion of what is perfect also varies which makes it very hard to please all the people all the time.
If perfection doesn't exist anyone who seeks it is bound to fall short.
Luckily it is the imperfections of everything that I love so much, that allow me to appreciate everything individually while also being aware of the beauty, cooperativeness and symmetry...
Everything is beautiful in my eyes, but nothing is perfect and that's what makes everything so beautiful.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
The Zebra Crossing
They’re everywhere, you've all seen them, sitting there motionless, providing a false sense of security and I'm here to tell you that it is a sham. Throughout my whole life I have been told that they are safe havens, that this monstrosity will protect us from the demon that is the automobile, but somebody must have neglected to tell vehicles that, or they weren't listening. This foul-striped path that's only similarity to a zebra is its stripes, provides no protection whatsoever, perhaps it is because zebras are not feared among the animal kingdom, what if we painted the crossings to resemble lions or serpents, why are these animals neglected while the zebra is so highly praised? If it was a lion crossing would cars approach it with a bit more caution? Two of my friends lost their lives on these abominations, and I've had one near miss and two hits. I find buses to be the worst culprits, speeding up when the light turns red, flooring the pedal when they see a child approach the crossing, only thinking about the time they'll save, not of the life they may be taking. Everyday I see children watching, waiting for the little green man to spread his legs, signifying that it's safe to cross, and then they walk, oblivious to the fact that the little red man is waiting patiently for them to reach the centre, and then the red man start flashing. There once was a time when I used to marvel at the red man flashing, when he came on, people would move faster, some people would even stop, I was fascinated that one little machine could have so much power, so much control over people, and to have a man flash in public and get away with it was brilliant. Times change, now, as much as cars ignore crossings, so too do we, they've lost their meaning and half the people on the road don’t even know the laws regarding the crossing. I know the laws, I break them everyday, after all, rules were made to be broken, but at what cost? If a society is based on law, what happens when the law holds no meaning, does society itself begin to fall apart, and once society and law are gone, and we are primitives once more, what then? Does the cycle start anew?
Silver 2 Overview
You approach the world using a balance of logic and intuition. During the course of your everyday activities, you are able to command a great deal of logical reasoning. However, when life gets 'serious', you are able to move beyond logic and utilize your intuition. You've spent a good amount of time introspecting. The more introspection you do, the easier it will be to rely on your intuition.
Core needs
Once financial independence is reached, you may initially seek a conventional lifestyle- job, career, marriage, home. Meanwhile, there is an indescribable drive lurking just beneath the surface. The drive yearns for something beyond the conventional. This drive may remain dormant until the conventional lifestyle is reached, at which point, the conventional lifestyle may no longer seem completely satisfying and you will be inclined to broaden your search. This search may or may not result in action. The choice is yours. Part of your internal debate is linked to the feeling that none of your possible options feel like your true calling.
You can be a large consumer of passive pursuits such as watching television, movies, video games, etc. You will gravitate toward infrequent physical activity and non-taxing mental tasks.
Next Step
If you have not jumped into your passion, focus on what's holding you back. If it's fear, try to determine the source of the fear. Perhaps it is fear of the unknown. If this is the case, ask yourself how many times you've experienced similar fears in the past. Then ask yourself what the typical outcome has been. Perhaps it's a fear of failure-or maybe success.
The important thing is that you take the plunge
You approach the world using a balance of logic and intuition. During the course of your everyday activities, you are able to command a great deal of logical reasoning. However, when life gets 'serious', you are able to move beyond logic and utilize your intuition. You've spent a good amount of time introspecting. The more introspection you do, the easier it will be to rely on your intuition.
Core needs
Once financial independence is reached, you may initially seek a conventional lifestyle- job, career, marriage, home. Meanwhile, there is an indescribable drive lurking just beneath the surface. The drive yearns for something beyond the conventional. This drive may remain dormant until the conventional lifestyle is reached, at which point, the conventional lifestyle may no longer seem completely satisfying and you will be inclined to broaden your search. This search may or may not result in action. The choice is yours. Part of your internal debate is linked to the feeling that none of your possible options feel like your true calling.
You can be a large consumer of passive pursuits such as watching television, movies, video games, etc. You will gravitate toward infrequent physical activity and non-taxing mental tasks.
Next Step
If you have not jumped into your passion, focus on what's holding you back. If it's fear, try to determine the source of the fear. Perhaps it is fear of the unknown. If this is the case, ask yourself how many times you've experienced similar fears in the past. Then ask yourself what the typical outcome has been. Perhaps it's a fear of failure-or maybe success.
The important thing is that you take the plunge
Friday, November 18, 2005
Some personality thingy
Kelly, your Personality SummaryKey Areas of your Personality
Your personality stands out from the average person's particularly in the areas of:
Your High Curiosity Level
Your Low Emotional Reactivity Level
Your High Need for Variety
Your High Assertiveness Level
One chapter of your 100-page Personality Report is dedicated to how you compare to the average woman and the average man in the 8 main areas of personality, and how this affects the way that people interact with you.
Your personality is made up of a unique pattern of traits. These traits impact the way you think, feel, and behave on an everyday basis. In your report you will read a detailed explanation of each of your core personality traits, including your strengths and challenge points.
Your Interaction Style:
You scored 30 in the area of extroversion/ introversion, which means that your energy is directed primarily inward, rather than outward. Your mixed score in this trait creates an interesting and alluring combination of traits: You are social yet also very reflective and introspective. You like to be around people, but too much interaction drains your energy. You need to retreat every once in a while in order to recharge your batteries. Keep these needs in mind when choosing the ideal work situation for you, otherwise you won't feel happy.
Social patterns: You are left-brained when it comes to recognizing emotions in other people. This is a unique way of viewing the world. You are likely to be sensitive to 'micro-expressions' - the tiny movements of the muscles in the face that occur, for example, when someone is telling a lie. You also may have some left-sided tendencies. For example, if two people were talking behind a closed door and you needed to put your ear on the door in order to hear, you would tend to use your left ear instead of your right.
One chapter of your personality report is dedicated to the type of people who fit you best as friends and coworkers, and the unique features of your social interaction style.
Life Satisfaction:
You are not entirely satisfied with your current life situation.
The Personality Report was created by leading researchers and personality experts who want to make a difference in people's lives. We believe that knowing your personality well is the key to increasing your life satisfaction level. Why? You need to know your personality well in order to choose the people and surroundings that fit you best.
Your Personality Report will help you understand yourself better and make the right choices.
Your personality stands out from the average person's particularly in the areas of:
Your High Curiosity Level
Your Low Emotional Reactivity Level
Your High Need for Variety
Your High Assertiveness Level
One chapter of your 100-page Personality Report is dedicated to how you compare to the average woman and the average man in the 8 main areas of personality, and how this affects the way that people interact with you.
Your personality is made up of a unique pattern of traits. These traits impact the way you think, feel, and behave on an everyday basis. In your report you will read a detailed explanation of each of your core personality traits, including your strengths and challenge points.
Your Interaction Style:
You scored 30 in the area of extroversion/ introversion, which means that your energy is directed primarily inward, rather than outward. Your mixed score in this trait creates an interesting and alluring combination of traits: You are social yet also very reflective and introspective. You like to be around people, but too much interaction drains your energy. You need to retreat every once in a while in order to recharge your batteries. Keep these needs in mind when choosing the ideal work situation for you, otherwise you won't feel happy.
Social patterns: You are left-brained when it comes to recognizing emotions in other people. This is a unique way of viewing the world. You are likely to be sensitive to 'micro-expressions' - the tiny movements of the muscles in the face that occur, for example, when someone is telling a lie. You also may have some left-sided tendencies. For example, if two people were talking behind a closed door and you needed to put your ear on the door in order to hear, you would tend to use your left ear instead of your right.
One chapter of your personality report is dedicated to the type of people who fit you best as friends and coworkers, and the unique features of your social interaction style.
Life Satisfaction:
You are not entirely satisfied with your current life situation.
The Personality Report was created by leading researchers and personality experts who want to make a difference in people's lives. We believe that knowing your personality well is the key to increasing your life satisfaction level. Why? You need to know your personality well in order to choose the people and surroundings that fit you best.
Your Personality Report will help you understand yourself better and make the right choices.
I Curse the Hourglass
I've watched him for the longest time and lately I've noticed a change. His step is a little slower, his smile a little lower, his eyes still light up when he sees me, but the sparkle has faded a bit. It's time that's slowing him down, I vaguely remember him in his prime, he was considered quite the catch once, you can escape many things, but time waits for no man. It's sad to see him getting old, to know he's not long for this world. What will I do without him when he's gone? He is mellowing with age, he's a lot more laid back than he used to be, he jokes around with me more than before and we both enjoy our time together. He seemed to move from one disease to the next nowadays, but it's only a mild sickness and he hides it well. He tires much faster, he thinks I don't notice, but I see it in his eyes and his stride. I try to hide my feelings of sorrow, but I'm sure he knows. We both know what's happening, we both feel it and we both know there's no getting past it. We're running out of time together. It's funny; we've known each other for years, but it's only recently that we've really gotten to know each other, gotten to appreciate each others company. No matter how much I treasure and value our time together, I know it will never be enough. I will still miss him when he's gone. Perhaps if I had never got to like him, I wouldn't notice if he was no longer there, but the fact remains that I do like him and I will miss him. Time has never been my friend, it changes people, all people, whether outside or in, the change is still there. Is it possible to make a deal with time to save the people you care about? For years he didn't know I existed, and now that I've finally got his attention, I'll loose him to time. I curse the unbreakable hourglass, if only I could control the sands of time.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
If I Were A... (Borrowed Idea from a friend)
If I were a month I would be: May
If I were a day of the week I would be: Friday, I love Friday's
If I were a time of day I would be: Midnite. It's such a magical time of night.
If I were a planet I would be: Saturn or Jupiter.
If I were a sea animal I would be: A Sea Otter.
If I were a direction I would be: East, where the sun is born.
If I were a piece of furniture I would be: A couch.
If I were a sin I would be: Pride, it's the one I can't hide.
If I were a historical figure I would be: Dead by now.
If I were a liquid I would be: Petrol, definately leaded. (Gas for you Americans)
If I were a stone, I would be: Cement.
If I were a tree, I would be: A strangler, they are beautiful trees.
If I were a bird, I would be: A wren.
If I were a flower/plant: A fruit vine
If I were a kind of weather, I would be: A sun shower.
If I were a musical instrument, I would be: A violin.
If I were an animal, I would be: A platapus
If I were a color, I would be: blue
If I were an emotion, I would be: Sorrow.
If I were a vegetable, I would be: Potatos
If I were a sound, I would be: The rain
If I were an element, I would be: wind.
If I were a car, I would be: ’57 Chevy convertable
If I were a song, I would be: Mute
If I were a book, I would be written by: Sophocles
If I were a food, I would be: A deep fried Mars Bar.
If I were a place, I would be: the Ocean.
If I were a material, I would be: Satin.
If I were a taste, I would be: undescribable.
If I was a scent, I would be: The sea
If I were a word, I would be: Interesting
If I were a body part I would be: the Mind.
If I were a facial expression I would be: smiling
If I were a subject in school I would be: English Literature
If I were a comic book character I would be: Zorro
If I were a shape I would be : triangular dihedron
If I were a day of the week I would be: Friday, I love Friday's
If I were a time of day I would be: Midnite. It's such a magical time of night.
If I were a planet I would be: Saturn or Jupiter.
If I were a sea animal I would be: A Sea Otter.
If I were a direction I would be: East, where the sun is born.
If I were a piece of furniture I would be: A couch.
If I were a sin I would be: Pride, it's the one I can't hide.
If I were a historical figure I would be: Dead by now.
If I were a liquid I would be: Petrol, definately leaded. (Gas for you Americans)
If I were a stone, I would be: Cement.
If I were a tree, I would be: A strangler, they are beautiful trees.
If I were a bird, I would be: A wren.
If I were a flower/plant: A fruit vine
If I were a kind of weather, I would be: A sun shower.
If I were a musical instrument, I would be: A violin.
If I were an animal, I would be: A platapus
If I were a color, I would be: blue
If I were an emotion, I would be: Sorrow.
If I were a vegetable, I would be: Potatos
If I were a sound, I would be: The rain
If I were an element, I would be: wind.
If I were a car, I would be: ’57 Chevy convertable
If I were a song, I would be: Mute
If I were a book, I would be written by: Sophocles
If I were a food, I would be: A deep fried Mars Bar.
If I were a place, I would be: the Ocean.
If I were a material, I would be: Satin.
If I were a taste, I would be: undescribable.
If I was a scent, I would be: The sea
If I were a word, I would be: Interesting
If I were a body part I would be: the Mind.
If I were a facial expression I would be: smiling
If I were a subject in school I would be: English Literature
If I were a comic book character I would be: Zorro
If I were a shape I would be : triangular dihedron
I've forgotten how to fly
I've forgotten how to fly. It's amazing, how can you forget something that once came so easily? I used to fly, so well and so high above so many others. I'd spread my wings and soar. It was beautiful, I remember it so well, and that makes now feel so much more worse. I've forgotten how to fly, it sounds so strange to one who hasn't flown, but if you're flying, then you may understand my sorrow. I feel like my wings have been clipped, the wind has died and the turbulence is just too overpowering for me to get off the ground. Now I walk on the ground and watch others fly, so entrancing, and majestic. I admire and pity them at the same time. Everyone falls one day, some have flown so high that the fall will surly kill them, but will the young fliers even notice their rapid decent? I think not, but that's the way it is, the old fall to make room for the young. Why did I fall so quickly? Yes I was flying higher, but that's no reason to cut my flight short. Perhaps my wings are broken and given time they'll heal, but I've been grounded so long that it can't be that. I'd give anything to fly again, but what have I to give? The sky's the limit; not anymore, I hear the sky calling me, I cannot respond, we now speak a different language. What happens when the floor falls out from under my feet? Where do I fall from here? I've forgotten how to fly, can you fly? You can't be taught to fly, it's a special gift given to a chosen few, so how do I learn again? I could survive down here, but I can fly, I just can't remember how. I feel like I'm trapped in a world that wasn't meant for me, my sky has fallen and this is what's left. I keep believing I'll fly again, I'll soar high, I'll duck and weave between the clouds, I'll fly so high, I'll never come back down, until then I'll keep believing, keep on dreaming. I'll keep the faith and I'll come back to show them I can fly.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
![]() | You scored as Peter Pan. Your alter ego is Peter Pan. You are a child at heart. Anything you believe is possible, and you never want to grow up.
Which Disney Character is your Alter Ego? created with QuizFarm.com |
Am I my Brothers Keeper?
I've been thinking about my brother a lot lately, mainly because he keeps calling. He wants me to visit him, for some unknown reason he can't visit me.
I don't like visiting him. He is eight years my senior and is reckless and unaware of the feelings of others. His addiction is to marijuana although I'm sure he's on stronger things as well - his excuse, he can't stand the pain, life is pain damn it, we don't all turn to drugs. He takes no responsibility for his actions, and boasts about abusing children in his past. The rest of my family have more or less given up on him. I know he is beyond help, he says he wants help, but he wont put the effort in. I've given up trying to help him, but I wont give up on him, I can't leave him with no one.
He's gullible, at times almost infantile, I feel sorry for him, I know I shouldn't pity him, it wont help him and he certainly doesn't deserve it. I've forgiven him for all the wrongs he caused me, but to hear him brag to others about it, I don't know whether to hate him or wonder about his mental state. Bragging about cruelty will not get him a girlfriend, sometimes I wonder how his mind functions at all. I understand he went through hardships as a child, but surely it's time to grow up and be a man, time to stop relying on the rest of the world to save you everytime you fuck up.
I am an independent person, I don't like relying on others because they will let you down, my brother, he is dependent on everyone. I don't think I'd mind visiting him so much if he didn't lie through his teeth every time he saw me. I'm good at reading people so naturally I'd notice, but he's so bad at it that everyone notices, how anyone could live with him is beyond me. If you could get past the lies the drugs would get to you, for at least six hours a day he pulls cones. I'm not a fan of narcotics, I've had too many friends die with a needle in the arm.
I love him, if only because I feel morally bound. I know that sounds bad, but I'm the only one that still does that for him, so it's better than nothing.
I don't like visiting him. He is eight years my senior and is reckless and unaware of the feelings of others. His addiction is to marijuana although I'm sure he's on stronger things as well - his excuse, he can't stand the pain, life is pain damn it, we don't all turn to drugs. He takes no responsibility for his actions, and boasts about abusing children in his past. The rest of my family have more or less given up on him. I know he is beyond help, he says he wants help, but he wont put the effort in. I've given up trying to help him, but I wont give up on him, I can't leave him with no one.
He's gullible, at times almost infantile, I feel sorry for him, I know I shouldn't pity him, it wont help him and he certainly doesn't deserve it. I've forgiven him for all the wrongs he caused me, but to hear him brag to others about it, I don't know whether to hate him or wonder about his mental state. Bragging about cruelty will not get him a girlfriend, sometimes I wonder how his mind functions at all. I understand he went through hardships as a child, but surely it's time to grow up and be a man, time to stop relying on the rest of the world to save you everytime you fuck up.
I am an independent person, I don't like relying on others because they will let you down, my brother, he is dependent on everyone. I don't think I'd mind visiting him so much if he didn't lie through his teeth every time he saw me. I'm good at reading people so naturally I'd notice, but he's so bad at it that everyone notices, how anyone could live with him is beyond me. If you could get past the lies the drugs would get to you, for at least six hours a day he pulls cones. I'm not a fan of narcotics, I've had too many friends die with a needle in the arm.
I love him, if only because I feel morally bound. I know that sounds bad, but I'm the only one that still does that for him, so it's better than nothing.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Abnormal psychology has to be my favorite catagory in psychology, it's facinating in its intricacy and yet I can fully comprehend it. Having a family member suffer does make it easier... There are times when I wonder if she is even aware of her condition.
Jacobs Ladder
Jacob stood at the bottom of the ladder staring up at the many rungs it possessed. His kite rested patiently on the roof waiting for Jacob to retrieve it. Jacobs mind was fighting the eternal struggle, fear verses desire. Fear usually conquered Jacob, but this time Jacob hoped desire would triumph. He stared up at the foreboding ladder, every rung appearing more ominous than the rung before it. The ladder was Jacobs fathers, it had existed long before Jacob had entered the world and it was certainly showing its age. Jacob fingered the splinters protruding from the lower rungs, one caught in his thumb and he winced in pain. The wind rustled through the tree leaves, the whole ladder shook as if chilled by the breeze. Jacob shivered as he pictured the whole ladder falling with him at the top of it. In his mind he could see his crumpled body lying on the pavement next to the remains of the ladder. Jacob knew his fears were irrational, he'd seen his father climb the ladder many times and it never killed him once. Jacob grasped hold of the closest rung to him and refused to let go until his fears subsided. It was well into nighttime when Jacob relaxed him grip on the rung and reached for the next one, his fingers trembling as he grabbed hold of it. He continued in that manner up the ladder. On the fifth rung he slipped and nearly lost his footing, the fear he hated so rose quickly within him. He could feel his fingers trying to give up on him, but one glance at the distance to the ground had him hugging that ladder for dear life. It took Jacob almost another hour to pry himself from the ladder enough to move to the next rung, he kept moving to try and overcome the fear inside him. The roofs edge was in sight, Jacob could almost smell it he was so close. He stretched out for the final rung fearing the image in his vision, but he did not falter, he found the rung firmly beneath his hand. He smiled, a smile so wide that the world could see his internal struggle was over, and desire had triumphed over fear. Fear had finally lost. Jacob grabbed hold of the gutter surrounding the roof and pulled himself onto the roof. It was so dark that Jacob could no longer see the ground or how far he was from it. His fear had all but gone as he reached for the kite, which was now blowing gently in the wind, tapping softly against the roof. His hand clasped onto the tail of the kite and Jacob pulled it free of the tiles, as he did this he shifted his weight to his other foot, which was supported only by the gutter. The gutter creaked under his weight and gave way falling into the infinite darkness. Jacob could feel himself slipping; he released the kite and tried to grasp hold of the roof, anything that would support him. Jacob reached for the ladder; it fell toward him and then plummeted to the ground. Jacob saw what was left of the gutter pass quickly before his eyes; he was falling, falling to his death. Fear had left him, he had no use for it now, he stared at the sky, his mind completely empty. He never felt the ground. He probably died on impact. The kite, Jacobs kite, flew freely about the roof in the wind. When the sun rose Jacobs crippled, lifeless body could easily be seen lying next to the remains of ladder stretched out on the pavement.
I Hate Goodbyes
How do you say goodbye to something you never had? Why is it, when your sad the radio only ever plays sad songs? I hate you; I've always hated you. I don't care, yes I do, why do I care? I wish I didn't care, why does it matter? I want to fly but you've clipped my wings, how do you release something that you hold so dear? My hands smell like peanut butter sandwiches, I haven't eaten peanut butter sandwiches, it's funny how things are never what they seem, people are hard to understand, you can spend your whole life with them and still know nothing about them. You don't know me, no one knows me, it's safer that way, and you can't miss what you've never known. Why do I know you, why do I feel for you, why did I take the time to care, why did I allow us to ever meet, I could have stopped it, I saw you before you saw me and, being the fool that I am, I could not foresee what was to come. If only we weren't defined by the choices we make. Why is it I can save others, but I cannot save myself? I've not seen the sea since May, I miss the sea, I could give myself to the sea if I wasn't so afraid of water, but I stay away, with the sea comes so many memories, memories that I cannot bare. How do you escape from yourself, is it even possible? Where did it all go wrong, I am nothing but a mere shadow of my former self, why can't I accept what I know to be true? I am a coward, I run and I hide, I criticize others for refusing to do that which I would not do myself, I'm drowning in self-pity and my only escape is insanity. I hate everything about you, I hate it when you look at me, I hate it when you look right through me, I hate it when you smile at me, I really wish you wouldn't. I hate the secrets we must keep, I hate the clothes you wear, I hate the things you say, I hate that I know you, I hate it when you laugh and I hate it when you cry. I hate it when you make me cry, I hate the way you make me feel, but most of all, I hate that I can't hate you. I've tried, oh how I've tried, but it always ends in tears. I know you're moving on, as should I, but it is so very hard. I'm sure one day I'll forget you, just as I have forgotten everything else, but I'll always hate goodbyes.
Monday, November 14, 2005
Not Today
Tired, overworked, they wont stop screaming, can't stop the room from spinning... Maybe tomorrow.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
The Blessing
This was written a few years back now, back when I really worked hard for that pitiful dollar. I thought I'd share it with you all.
It's 6:30am, I'm sitting outside, and it's the middle of the coldest winter I have ever known. I have no feet, they froze hours ago, my nose is running and I'm coughing up a lung. I cannot move, I'm stuck here forever, in this eternal hell. Then she appears, like an angel walking out of the mist, she is not attractive, far from it, she is old, repugnant, and almost always exasperating, but what she's carrying means more than gold to me. She hands it to me and walks away; I do not even glance at her as I mutter my thanks. From the moment I receive the gift, I can feel it burning my flesh, I do not care, I welcome it with open arms, I breath it in, allowing the warmth to engulf every part of me. I put my lips to it, they come alive and are instantly scorched by the immense amount of heat escaping the cup, I skim the liquid from the surface, I momentarily hold it in my mouth, caressing my tongue, and then I swallow. My throat screams out in pain, as the scalding liquid pierces my oesophagus, then a cry of relief can be heard as the liquid reaches my stomach, setting it a blaze. I am on fire, although it is not visible, my insides have been ignited, and I have rejoiced at the sensation. The frost is forgotten, everything is forgotten, I've entered the subconscious, my own private paradise, and I owe it all to the gift, this blessing that brings meaning to my life, without it I would surely die. Thank god for my morning cup of tea.
It's 6:30am, I'm sitting outside, and it's the middle of the coldest winter I have ever known. I have no feet, they froze hours ago, my nose is running and I'm coughing up a lung. I cannot move, I'm stuck here forever, in this eternal hell. Then she appears, like an angel walking out of the mist, she is not attractive, far from it, she is old, repugnant, and almost always exasperating, but what she's carrying means more than gold to me. She hands it to me and walks away; I do not even glance at her as I mutter my thanks. From the moment I receive the gift, I can feel it burning my flesh, I do not care, I welcome it with open arms, I breath it in, allowing the warmth to engulf every part of me. I put my lips to it, they come alive and are instantly scorched by the immense amount of heat escaping the cup, I skim the liquid from the surface, I momentarily hold it in my mouth, caressing my tongue, and then I swallow. My throat screams out in pain, as the scalding liquid pierces my oesophagus, then a cry of relief can be heard as the liquid reaches my stomach, setting it a blaze. I am on fire, although it is not visible, my insides have been ignited, and I have rejoiced at the sensation. The frost is forgotten, everything is forgotten, I've entered the subconscious, my own private paradise, and I owe it all to the gift, this blessing that brings meaning to my life, without it I would surely die. Thank god for my morning cup of tea.
You scored as Neutral Good. A Neutral Good person tries to do the 'goodest' thing possible. These people are willing to work with the law to accomplish their goal, but if the law is corrupt they are just as willing to tear it down. To these people, doing what's right is the most important thing, regardless of rules, customs, or laws.
What is your Alignment? created with QuizFarm.com |
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