Friday, November 18, 2005

I Curse the Hourglass

I've watched him for the longest time and lately I've noticed a change. His step is a little slower, his smile a little lower, his eyes still light up when he sees me, but the sparkle has faded a bit. It's time that's slowing him down, I vaguely remember him in his prime, he was considered quite the catch once, you can escape many things, but time waits for no man. It's sad to see him getting old, to know he's not long for this world. What will I do without him when he's gone? He is mellowing with age, he's a lot more laid back than he used to be, he jokes around with me more than before and we both enjoy our time together. He seemed to move from one disease to the next nowadays, but it's only a mild sickness and he hides it well. He tires much faster, he thinks I don't notice, but I see it in his eyes and his stride. I try to hide my feelings of sorrow, but I'm sure he knows. We both know what's happening, we both feel it and we both know there's no getting past it. We're running out of time together. It's funny; we've known each other for years, but it's only recently that we've really gotten to know each other, gotten to appreciate each others company. No matter how much I treasure and value our time together, I know it will never be enough. I will still miss him when he's gone. Perhaps if I had never got to like him, I wouldn't notice if he was no longer there, but the fact remains that I do like him and I will miss him. Time has never been my friend, it changes people, all people, whether outside or in, the change is still there. Is it possible to make a deal with time to save the people you care about? For years he didn't know I existed, and now that I've finally got his attention, I'll loose him to time. I curse the unbreakable hourglass, if only I could control the sands of time.


bogusboobs said...

Unfortunately, the price we pay for loving other people is the hell of anticipating (and ultimately experiencing) their loss. I had a sibling born with birth defects whom I was afraid to love for years. Now that she's older, I regret the time I spent putting distance between us and trying not to get attached in the expectation that she wouldn't survive to adulthood.

Your feelings are so human. I hope you won't feel too alone in them. That would only serve to compound the profound sadness you're feeling as your friend declines.

Criminal Minds Fan said...

This is the reason we should never take people or time for granted. You never know when the last time you see or speak with someone will be our last. It is so important to make every interaction matter

Shadow of a Joke said...

Thank you everyone.