Saturday, April 08, 2006


I was watching tv the night when they announced that Gene Pitney was dead at 65. I loved his music.

Most of the time I live life in a fantasy world where we all live forever, things like this bring me back to reality. It's hard to think that if you live a long life you will have to live through all your friends dying around you.

I was once asked if I wanted to be imortal, even back then I knew the answer. I wouldn't be able to take the pain of it.


Axe said...

Me too. As a matter of fact, my entire familyy knows that I don't plan to live beyond 40!

I have done enough damage for 7 lifetimes, so I don't have to get old. You are so right about the pain, Shadow!!

ann said...

There is a season to everything... a time to live.. a time to die. It's not for us to choose when; it will be when it will be and none of us is immortal anyway or has that choice... the one certainty in life is death.

"you will have to live through all your friends dying around you." That is a fact of life; cherish their memories and talk about them, so they live on.

Axe: If that were the case, I'd be long, long gone.... Axe you're a good good person with a lot to give.

Gosh, a post like this makes me feel I shouldn't even be here any more, that I'm past it, past my shelf life..... wow.

take care sweetheart

lotsa luv ann xxxxxxxx

Alisso said...

I remember watching my mother get weepy over a death announcement on tv years ago, and realising then that one day, it was going to be me crying in front of the tv and having to explain to people around me who had died and why it mattered.

But it wasn't till a long, long time afterwards, that I realised that losing something you love doesn't mean you never had it. It's still going to hurt like hell to know I can never again see a person I care about, but even death can't take them away from me entirely. Nothing can. Realising this isn't going to make losing anyone any easier, but it does remind me to make the most of it while I still can, so I have more to remember once it's too late.

My reasons for not wanting to be immortal are far more prosaic. I would get SO fucking bored after the first few hundred years...

bogusboobs said...

Right. "Highlander Syndrome."

Personally, I just want my kids to outlive me. Couldn't take it ...

Criminal Minds Fan said...

I agree with Grace. I want my daughter to outlive me and the more I get to see of her life the better. When it is your time it is your time. :)

kacey said...

I had no idea amyone besides me even knew who Gene Pitney was.

And you're right. The pain WOULD be too great.