Thursday, August 10, 2006

Famous for nothing

I recently had the missfortune of being on tv. I did not watch of course, I amused myself with the BBC's rendition of Bleak House by Dickens. This did not however stop me from getting many phone calls to remind me of the fact, cause naturally you would never know you are on tv, that video camera they stick in your face is only there to look good. I knew I'd be on it, as Catherine says, the camera men either love us or hate us, but they certainly make sure we are not camera shy. My sister felt the need to remind me over and over that it was aired nationally, this I was also aware of, every time I pop up on that annoying box it seems to be national. Two days later at university, people were screaming out to me across the compound, 'Kelly, I saw you on tv.' Others attacked me in lecture theatres. It's amazing how easy it is to become famous for doing nothing, i used to have people stop me in the streets, thank god that doesn't happen anymore. How do you respond to someone saying they saw you, 'yes, you did,' or 'Good for you mate.' It's too annoying to comprehend.

I knew I would be on the debate, this however is not why I boycotted it, everytime channel Ten put on a debate, they put it in Criminal Intent's time slot and I must wait an extra week for a new episode... The bastards.


Alisso said...

I was once chased from a tutorial, through the halls, to a computer lab by a fellow student very eager to tell me that she'd seen me on gnw. She may have been in my class, but I didn't have a clue who she was, so I was a little disturbed that she felt the need to run me down to tell me something that, oddly enough, I already knew.

I only watched parts of the debate (couldn't miss Jason Byrne's "speech" *g*) but even from just the sections I saw, we were on screen more than usual. I think Ted's missed being able to catch us at GH or something *g*

Shadow of a Joke said...

I've been told there were at least two close ups.

I coped some more people saying it today, another good reason we stopped going to GH.

Alisso said...

I caught one of the close-ups...I can understand the crowd shots, we were in the middle of the front section, but I don't actually remember there being a camera that close to us to get close-ups. Which implies that it was deliberate zooming on behalf of someone.

I think we need to arrange some sort of deal with Ted...find something we can offer him, or some form of threat to use against him so he starts editing us OUT.

Fortunately, none of my co-workers appear to have a sense of humour, so I should be safe. My boss likes Wil Anderson, but that's not indicative of a sense of humour *g*

Oh, and I found out why Paul's debate speech was so odd. Silly bugger didn't edit himself before he got on stage so he, in his words, "rambled on like a madman for a while" *larfs*

ann said...

.... you mean you are famous? .... wow!!!! ;>)

Eliza said...

Rather you than me!

I'd run very fast in the other direction if I ever saw a camera pointing at me.

Eliza xxxxx

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