Friday, September 22, 2006

I was listening to an old cd of mine today, I've not put it on in years, and wouldn't you know it, I come across a song I used to sing along to. And as I was singing I couldn't help noticing how familiar the tune was, and then it hit me, the bloody osama medley, there's another song paul has destroyed for me :P


Alisso said...

He ruins everything *larfs*

Actually, half the fun of the Osama Medley for me was that I knew all the songs, and I knew as soon as I heard it that they were all irredeemably linked to bad terrorism jokes and even worse puns.

Which song was it? Or would you rather not say? *G*

Shadow of a Joke said...

I think it's called 'chirpa chirpa cheep cheep'

Alisso said...

lol...we had that on a record that used to belong to my half-sisters, called "Top of the Tots", which was basically dumbed down covers of old pop songs *G* Anything they thought would appeal to kids or that wasn't offensive *g*

Don't remember it popping up in Osama, but then, there were quite a few versions and I only ever picked up one, I think *g*

Alisso said...

Gah, and as soon as I hit send I remember it. They took it out after a while when the anthrax scares died down *G*

Shadow of a Joke said...

lol yep must have drop the anthrax lol