Monday, October 02, 2006

Scott's Dead

A friend of mine died on tuesday, I wasn't told till friday. They say he hung himself, but I can't bring myself to believe that. I was one of the few friends he had, not many liked him because he was so strong willed and could not be brought round to a different point of view, in fact almost no one liked him. In that respect he was the last person that would have killed himself, he also did not agree with suicide. It happened in his exwifes house, not his own, this is also unusual and suggestive.
I may not have been a good friend to Scott, but he was always nice to me, even when we argued. I would like to make sure it was a suicide, but how does one go about disproving the police, and I have no connections. It wouldn't matter if I was wrong in my assumptions at least then I would know. I wish they'd told me sooner, I missed the funeral.


Alisso said...

:( Often people who are the most vocal against something are trying to hide how they really feel about it. And the more set someone is in their ways, the harder things can hit them, and the more dramatic their response is likely to be, especially if they're very strong willed and unwilling to bend with circumstances.

You could possibly ask to speak to whoever decided to rule that his death was suicide? They might not be able to tell you much, but they could at least set your mind at rest. And it's possible that you could give them useful information.

It's really sad that no one told you :( I occasionally worry that if anything happened to me, no one would realise who it was most important to tell.

Shadow of a Joke said...

I'm back in sydney, couldn't stay up there, I only had the weekend, uni getting in the way. flat foot country cop was probably trusting the obvious.

Alisso said...

Maybe call them? I don't even know if they'd be willing to say much, but even just trying might make you feel better.

I don't imagine small town cops expect anything but the obvious. That's normally all they'd see.

ann said...

I am so sorry...