Sunday, March 28, 2010

last night at festival

6 hours sleep in two days is not a good thing, there is something truely wrong with the world if I can't sleep in. Its a travesty of uncomparable proportions, and whats worse, I can't even sleep off my hangover. Yesterday was good, saw sammy J and randy, and saw dead cat bounce, bothe brilliant, see dead cat bounce early, before they start selling out. So far this festival I'm averging a kiss on the cheek a night, facial cheek you sick fucks, I 'm gonna be dieseased as hell by the end of festival if this keeps up. Got kicked out of the hifi at five am, too soon. I still don't like silent disco, how do you know if its worth dancing to if you cant hear it from the top bar. Talked to someone last night I would never have seen myself talk to, I think I did it just cause I know she loathes me, we were surrounded and she had to be polite, but I could see the hatred, hehehehehehehehe... hehehe. I know, I'M FUCKING NASTY! and yes I know both does not have an E on the end, learn to overlook unimportant shit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we were kicked out at 4:30