Saturday, July 17, 2010

Fate; one letter off Hate

Sometimes I feel that fate leads me to the places I need to go.

Something pops into my head and then there it is before me. However, you should never start a sectence with however, however if fate is leading me, did it intend for me to suffer so along the way. I know that with great suffering comes great appreciation, and now I appreciate everything, but I would have been just as appreciative learning from the tragedy of others. Fate led me in a massive circle round London in the last two weeks ending not ten paces from where I began, and strangly mixed my two most oldest loves together. The theatre and Sherlock holmes.

As a child I longed for both, books and theatre, sadly my parents wouldn't waste money on either. Now here I find myself in the city I almost didn't want to come to surrounded by all these things. I could lose myself here; my mind and my soul. It's a good thing I'm leaving for Paris tomorrow.

What will Paris bring I wonder? Hopefully it will not tear me appart as London has done. Don't get me wrong, I absolutly loved it, but were I to stay longer it would kill me one way or another.

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