Monday, November 11, 2013

The Rain and I

The world looks quite majestic when it rains, especially when the sun is slightly out. Each rain drop reflects the rays and sparkles in the light, a steamy haze comes off the surface of everything and it appears as if you are walking in a dream and not reality. Even the smell of rain is wonderful, the earth smells stronger and the trees look greener. I can’t describe it enough to do it justice, but there is truly something magical about the world in the rain. 
You walk along in the drizzle and step round the puddles; your refection looks back up at you as you peer into each one. The sound of each rain drop falling is so elegant and musical, and combined with every other raindrop is thunderous and beautiful.
The world feels cleaner when it rains. People stay inside and I get more of it to myself, the irritating sound of others complaining about their pitiful lives is drowned out by the downpour of harmonious bliss. Sometimes the rain is so thick that you can’t even see other people, there is just you alone in the rain and nothing else matters, nothing else exists.
And it’s cold, and you shiver and pull your coat around you, while I’m jumping in puddles, singing and dancing in the rain and no one else’s opinion matters because all that exists is me and the rain. No one can touch me and I am safe in the rain.

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