Sunday, January 29, 2006

Sleep, sweet sleep. Where hast thou gone?

Sleep, sweet sleep. Where hast thou gone?

The clock ticketh; one, two, three. I watch the hours pass, mine eyes hang heavy and weary and yet sweet sleep does not come to me.

Has it abandoned me?

I sit throughout the night, viewing anything I can get my hands on. Lately I've found myself sitting on an easy chair at four in the morning playing the violin and watching old black and white Sherlock Holmes films.

I try to sneak some sleep in as dawn approaches but sleep is denied once more, as the phones start ringing, as they stampede on the door bell and I know my chance is gone.

I've not written anything lately. My sleep is gone, and slowly my mind doth follow.


Anonymous said...

I've been having trouble getting to sleep lately, but not to that extent, or I would have had to quit work, or kill someone while I was there or something...

Might I suggest drugs or alcohol? *G*

Or maybe going out and getting physically tired during the day, sometimes that helps.

Warm milk? *larfs*

Criminal Minds Fan said...

I love the old Sherlock Holmes movies but not in the middle of the night. Sorry you have been having trouble sleeping! What is bothering you so much? :)

Shadow of a Joke said...

I'm alone in the dark in the worst suburb in austraila

Anonymous said...

Yeeees, I think that might cause me to have a less than restful night or two :/ How long till you're not alone overnight?

Shadow of a Joke said...

they're back :D