Sunday, November 04, 2007

Writing exercises

Writing exercise – Expression

Shiny shoes, a river of alcohol and a dance that goes on forever
Laughing, always laughing, nothing but laughter and tears
A watch ticking backwards, a man is a rabbit
Lungs filled with tar, lights everywhere
Half dead, unfed but still the dance goes on
Do nothing. Remember anything
Do you feel eyes upon you?
Dance with me shiny shoes.

List of thoughts

Got to get up, got to get out
Book flights
What would it be like to kill him? I’d never get away with it
Live- beauty of grey, must sticky tape that back together
This is just like a hangover only without the alcohol: I should have gotten drunk.
This isn’t pass worthy but at least it’s not plagiarised
Must work on Malus, it needs more blood and description
Thank god it’s raining
Walking with a song in the heart
I don’t need a smoke right now… bugger it I want one.
How can I possibly know what they are thinking, it’s not natural.
Tax, must do tax
Forgetting everything, forgetting wisdom
If the world spun the other way would it really change anything?

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