Friday, November 04, 2005


They prayed for me today, the bible group. I don't go, but my friend tells them of my troubles and she tells me they pray for me. I think faith is a wonderful thing, it must be great to know there is some great powerful being out there, but alas I lost my faith.
When I was a child I would drink the wine, eat the bread and confess my sins. My sins are now far greater and I carry their weight myself. If I can't forgive myself what good is gods forgiveness?
My reasons are my own, be tolerant please.
When I was a child I was told that god created everything and if something happened it was gods will, this is a rather Calvinist approach and it's hard to accept when you see children dying. If god controls everything what of choice, is it a myth? I was also told suicidals go to hell, so a few of my old friends are riving in agony right now. Most everyone I went to school with is dead now, it's quite strange I think, they were all so young. Does god punish the wicked, I was told he does. I now refuse to believe this, man punishes man everything else is an accident or a tragedy. I couldn't believe that, with all the misfortunes that keep befalling me, that would suggest I'd deserved them, I know I don't, not to that extent and I could not blame god for them either. It's easier to see them as accidents. I don't believe that god has any control over any of us, I see free will, what we do we choose to do and we may be judged by our acts later.
I used to sing in the church choir, now I play the Doug Anthony Allstars to Christians.
I love faith, I've lost faith, how do I get it back?
How can I believe in something that does nothing?
I know the bible cover to cover, and the Koran, both good books, neither one was written by spiritual being, they were all written by man, and it is in mans nature to be corrupt whether he wish it or not.
I wonder, can god save you from yourself?
I respect people who pray, I admire them, at times I even envy them, but I will not be one of them again.


bogusboobs said...
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bogusboobs said...

I'm a firm believer in Secular Humanism. It's served me well over these past years, and the reasons are mostly simple, if a bit difficult to lay out in this medium.

But here's the one I tell people most: I flat-out refuse to accept that there's a "master plan" that allows me to live in a free country, eat nourishing food, sleep safe in a warm home and enjoy my freedom (especially as a woman without a man to own/protect her) but which also provides for the mass rape, murder, and starvation of women and children on other parts of the planet. I simply can't go for a "plan" that provides for some to have so much, while others have so little. (And I don't buy that, "we're not SUPPOSED to understand" crap, either).

I believe that my station in life (and my religion, by the way) is mostly an accident of birth. (Americans have convinced themselves that they have SOME freedom to alter their fate, but I believe that that's rather limited, too.) In any event, you appear to be doing fine - having shed the oppressive weight of organized religion.

Someone once told me - after a friend delivered a stillborn - that "God must have needed an angel." I nearly tore her head off. Let God create an angel, or whatever he needs. To suggest that he'd plunge an entire family into hell because he had feelings that I'd otherwise ascribe to a tyrannical three year-old is insulting and ridiculous in the extreme ...

Be well and take care.

Shadow of a Joke said...

I think you need a reason to have faith, a reason to believe or a prayer to be answered, alas, I have none.