Saturday, November 05, 2005

The Irony of it all

My main light bulb blew today. I remember changing it before, hell, I had to replace the whole fitting last time, the damn thing just fell off the ceiling. I don't think I get enough use out of them, I really must record how long they last one day. I changed it, didn't have much choice I'm not a big fan of the dark. It's so bright in there now that I've moved most of my belongings to another room. The irony.

I was asked what my user name means so I'll explain it in here for future reference.
I made it up using shadow of a doubt. Jokes are good, but a shadow of a joke is like a joke without the punchline, you know a joke should be there, but all you get is it's shadow - Another term for disapointment I suppose.

I went to a pool party today. It rained... Figures. I love pizza, but with all these social gatherings I'm expected to go to it's becoming a bit much. I'm expected to host the next one. I don't consider myself a sociable person, sure I put out a good feed and I make everyone comfortable and laugh, but I need time alone to be me, they don't understand that.
Damn Ed Gein painting is still drying, my patience is thinning. Must get back to beefing up the novel.


bogusboobs said...

Thanks for the explanation of your handle ... again. I left a response-note for you elsewhere about a historical novel I thought we might have in common (given your interest in killers and their patholog(ies), etc.).

By the way ... I can think of worst things than a rainy pool party. Unless there's lightning, I stand outside and get soaked or go ahead and swim anyway.

I'll look for more from you later. (Hope your paint dries in all that humidity!) Back to the hamster/wheel routine. [And just in case it ever comes up, my screen name has nothing whatever to do with my surgical history ... just an insensitive comment from some clod who never got to learn the truth ...]

Shadow of a Joke said...

If the painting ever dries long enough for me to finish it. I'll take a photo and try and stick it online somewhere.
Some of my associates rocked up at my place last night too. I can see how lonely they are, why they keep turning to me is anyones guess, but I feel bad about turning them away. More will be coming tonight.