Sunday, November 06, 2005

The World

Someone once told me that a poet takes something beautiful and describes it, thereby taking away the very thing that makes it beautiful. I stopped writing poetry after that, my publisher kept calling, but nothing got sent. I appreciate beauty now, more so than ever before, but when I put pen to paper I feel I am betraying all that is beautiful. I know I could never fully capture a description of anything beautiful, so anything I write could not do justice. If I can't write something great, what is the point of writing at all? People, the smallest people can achieve the greatest things, but I am just not one of them. How does one go on knowing they will never be good enough? You have to please yourself before you can please anyone else or there's no point. I don't think I'll ever be satisfied with anything, perhaps I'm not meant to be. I want my words to come straight from the heart, to be pure, but nothing is pure anymore not even water. I feel the world expand before me and I keep getting smaller. What's it all mean? I look through my windows every day and see a world I will never know, I wonder if people look at me with those same thoughts. We all have many faults, each day I think I acquire a new one. Now I know my main fault and there's really nothing I can do about it. I have too many dreams and only one life to live.
I want the world.


bogusboobs said...

Perhaps we're meant to enjoy the journey, and not simply the destination or the result. Is it not possible that the act of creating is the true expression of beauty ... and that it has very little to do with the creation (in whatever form) which results?

We're creatures of action and of creation - right down to the biological imperative. Maybe if you shift your focus a bit, and forgive yourself those perceived failures, the creation will begin to take care of itself.

I mean, don't you feel it as you write? I can see it there on the screen - the drive to create and express and share, at whatever personal and emotional cost. Those are amazing and wonderful gifts you have. Trust them as you (appear to) have in the past; I can't believe they'll disappoint. And I'm sure that others must see this too, the mixture of pain and joy ...

Best wishes for now ... I'm headed upstairs (it's just past midnite, and tomorrow's a busy day). I'm planning a bit of reading, and then some very sweet dreams ...

Shadow of a Joke said...

thank you, I do enjoy the journey, it's the destination that disapoints me. I think I do everything solely for the journey and that's okay. Have a good day.