Wednesday, November 09, 2005

True colors

Colors, I love colors, no artist could ever acquire all the colors I see when I look at the world. I don't know how they make paint these days, but aboriginals used to make their paint from the earth; the rocks, the dirt, the trees, would it be presumptuous of me to say that this is the way paint should be made? Every morning I watch the sun rise and turn the trees from green to gold. I've seen the sun set at Ayers rock turn the rock a million colors over a period of five hours. It's like the world's a canvas and the sun is the artist, changing the colors as it sees fit. There was a time in my life when I was blind, I was sixteen, I wont go into details, but it was due to medical illness. I didn't mind not seeing where I was going, I already knew where everything was, but I missed the colors, all the colors. They say accidents can correct your vision, and apparently that's what happened with me. Now I see better, I can see the colors that make up the colors, I can see them flow into each other and become one, I can see all the colors on a white canvas making up the picture I haven't yet created. But what if we're wrong? What if my blue isn't your blue, what if it's more like your red, maybe the people who told us got it wrong, maybe the sky really is purple. (Or burple depending on your preference) what if the powers that be altered our perception so much that we see color where there isn't any, maybe the world is black and white, void of all color, could it be possible that we've made it all up? I look in your eyes and all I see is endless black, fires are fuelled in shades of grey, and the sun is a black ball on a white backdrop. It's not probable, but it's definitely possible, if so, it would be our imagination that gives us color, would we give up our imagination, our color to see the truth, would we, could we? One thing is certain, if this theory is true, that of all the people in the world, only those that are color blind see the world as it is, the rest of us have a blurred vision. I've lost my focus...


ann said...

You write beautifully. Tell me r u really insane and r u really a genius?

Shadow of a Joke said...
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Shadow of a Joke said...

A little of both. My friends call me the undiscovered genius, some days I can answer any question in the world, but other days I forget how to spell cat. I don't have anything wrong with me mentally (that they can prove) other than a brain injury which I sustained by going under a car, but no one notices. Yeah, definately a little of both.

ann said...

well if u're a genius, have you discovered who the real mrs bobby goren is? LOL

Shadow of a Joke said...

I was under the impression that the boy was single, and if that's the case, then they're all fakes.