Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I still see her

I saw her today. In the same place I've always seen her, but I knew she wasn't really there. It was my own eyes deceiving me, conspiring with my memory to show me visions of the past. I wish it were real. How I'd love to see her standing before me just as she once was, but I know that cannot be. I watched her die, watched her suffer, watched her fade away, and I knew there was nothing I could do. She was my dearest friend and I never told her. I couldn't bear to face her death, I couldn't let her be taken from me, but I couldn't stop it either. I was mean, I was cruel, I was downright hateful, but she took it all in her stride. Never once failing to be there when I needed her. It’s true what they say; you never truly know the value of something until it's taken from you. She was my one solid object in a sea of instability. I'm sure she knew I loved her, but I still wish I'd told her when I had the chance.

1 comment:

Riddle My Phantasms said...

Actually this isn't the post I really want to comment fact, its more of just a 'nod' of some sort of "write on"..."fuck off and die" mesh of thought. Either way I like the words so keep them up or down. "Beating ceaselessly currents bourne against the wind..." (or something akin to that ~ F.S. Fitzgerald.)

Either way...swerve on.
