Sunday, November 20, 2005

What was there before there was nothing?


Criminal Minds Fan said...

Some religions say that before there was nothing there was everything.

Deb Walsh said...

Yes There was God. and there was nothing and everything all at once.

Chloe' Gardner said...

Deb, I like your theory- that question makes my brain hurt!

ann said...

In the beginning G-d created heaven and earth: Genesis Chapter 1

Shadow of a Joke said...

But where did god come from?

bogusboobs said...

Remember that song: "Dear God"? It asks whether God made man "before we made You." Implying a sort of chicken-and-egg thing that I find pleasing to contemplate on long car rides.

Faye_Hart said...

Well, I was going to say everything, but then I remembered my Greco-Roman Mythos. So my answer would be Chaos, or Entropy. I suppose the more things change the more they stay the same.

Axe said...

Imagine an eternity of reverse it.