Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentines Day

I forgot.

It's notlike it matters though, it's just another day for me, and that's all it will ever be. I'm sure it was invented by the stores to make more money.

How do I see today?

I look at it as the day the currency changed in australia in 1966, Valentines Day didn't exist then.
The day of the St. Valentines Day Massacre.
The return of RoveLive, another good reason to skip today.

I konw lots of things will happen today, at dust on top of the harbour bridge at least 20 romantic idiots will be proposing to their sweethearts. Some where some poor bastard is giving birth, and somewhere some lovesick teen is committing suicide.

Thank god that to me, it's just another day.


Alisso said...

"In come the dollars and in come the cents,
To replace the pounds and the shillings and the pence,
So be prepared when the money starts to mix,
On the 14th of February 1966!"

Mum used to sing that to us cause she remembers the ad campaign :D

Valentine's Day is boring. It's hardly romantic when everyone's expecting it.

Rove comes back tonight? Gah, must avoid channel ten...

Axe said...

Usually I hide under my bed until this day is over. I wanna puke, listening to all these delusional morons call each other all these baby names and all this fluffy-bunny bullshit makes me sick!

As you will see on my blog today, Shadow, Valentines Day is just another opportunity to get laid.

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm still a hopeless romantic at heart. I got my heart shaped box of chocolate candy and little toy chihuahua this morning. I shall enjoy both and think of all you cynics :) Enjoy, Shadow :)

ann said...

Every day is just another day!

lotsa luv ann xxxxx

Sovereign Syre said...

nothing is more embarassing then some fool getting on his knee in a crowded restaurant and asking you to marry him...it was so uncomfortable after I said no. everyone in the restaurant was shooting daggers at me. me and my friend daniel have been pulling this stunt every valentine's day since we were in a sociology class together. One of the extra credit assignments was to break a social taboo and write about the experience. We thought it was so funny we made a tradition out of it.

Axe said...

LOL!! Manon, you sick bitch! I love you!

Criminal Minds Fan said...

I just treat it like any other day but my daughter's birthday is the day before so really we just have a two day birthday for her. :)