Monday, October 31, 2005

Just a Thought

Conscious thought is the cause of all misery. A human being is a transport with a brain and that's all we'll ever be. If we were without thought we would never be sad, no matter how dismal our lives, we wouldn't know, so technically, the dimmer you are, the happier. I used to be happy, but my world was a lot smaller then, whereas, now I'm smarter, I'm more knowledgeable in the ways of the world, and I'm more depressed than before. Even as I write this, my thoughts are leading me elsewhere and I find it hard to put pen to paper. Thoughts are the backbone of our survival and yet I feel cursed by them. I know why, because thoughts without action are pointless, I need to learn to follow through. I often hear people say "I should have said that," "I should have done that" and "why didn't I think of that at the time?" and I always tell them, "why are you thinking of this now, you cant change the past, it's pointless." In the Bible, Ecclesiastics states that life is meaningless, if this is true, why do we need thought, and if life is meaningless, then surely what we do in life is meaningless, so therefore worshiping any god, real or false, in any way, would be a complete waste of time. I wonder if priests have taken this into consideration. That is a blatant example of where thoughts will get you; disproving the beliefs of millions of people over hundreds of years, and I guarantee you that they do not want to know the truth. Every five seconds I stop writing, my mind goes off on a tangent and I'm lost in thought. Thoughts tell us what to do, we act upon it, then our thoughts make us regret it, there's no escape. Even while asleep our thoughts are attacking us, causing us to dream, so when we wake, we're more tired then when we went to bed. "God giveth and God taketh away" why giveth in the first place if you're going to be an Indian giver? It could have kept most of my thoughts, god knows I don't need them, and then I wouldn't need to express my opinion, because I wouldn't have one. I'd write more, but I'm off to get lost in my thoughts once more.


Deb Walsh said...

I hate head games I was married to a guy who thrived on playing head games and it is a very sad life for the others around him my son and I reaped no bennefit from his games ever. I have no problem with life being hard it is how we learn
from the mistakes and the hardships
but the hurts and pains caused by others is just more than we should have to bare especially if they are caused by someone we love who is suppoe=sed to love us.

Deb Walsh said...

I spent some time using his head games back at him towards the end of our marriage. But soon realized that it was very wrong to do it even to those who do it to you. it was a life that was making my son very unhappy.

bogusboobs said...
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bogusboobs said...

You should read some Spinoza, if you have the time. Your thought processes echo his notion that (among other things) "God" does not need the praise of humanity to validate himself/herself. And that, in fact, to suggest that "God" requires our adoration is to diminish his/her omnipotence and perfection.

Best of luck with your continued introspection. It reflects well upon your creator (whether divine or not).

Shadow of a Joke said...

I did not mean to offend any religious people, if I did, I appologise. I like head games, but only with bad people, or people that shit me. I would never try them on anyone I care about, I have too much respect for them to do that.

Shadow of a Joke said...

What's RSS feed?