Friday, November 18, 2005

Some personality thingy

Kelly, your Personality SummaryKey Areas of your Personality
Your personality stands out from the average person's particularly in the areas of:

Your High Curiosity Level
Your Low Emotional Reactivity Level
Your High Need for Variety
Your High Assertiveness Level

One chapter of your 100-page Personality Report is dedicated to how you compare to the average woman and the average man in the 8 main areas of personality, and how this affects the way that people interact with you.
Your personality is made up of a unique pattern of traits. These traits impact the way you think, feel, and behave on an everyday basis. In your report you will read a detailed explanation of each of your core personality traits, including your strengths and challenge points.

Your Interaction Style:
You scored 30 in the area of extroversion/ introversion, which means that your energy is directed primarily inward, rather than outward. Your mixed score in this trait creates an interesting and alluring combination of traits: You are social yet also very reflective and introspective. You like to be around people, but too much interaction drains your energy. You need to retreat every once in a while in order to recharge your batteries. Keep these needs in mind when choosing the ideal work situation for you, otherwise you won't feel happy.

Social patterns: You are left-brained when it comes to recognizing emotions in other people. This is a unique way of viewing the world. You are likely to be sensitive to 'micro-expressions' - the tiny movements of the muscles in the face that occur, for example, when someone is telling a lie. You also may have some left-sided tendencies. For example, if two people were talking behind a closed door and you needed to put your ear on the door in order to hear, you would tend to use your left ear instead of your right.

One chapter of your personality report is dedicated to the type of people who fit you best as friends and coworkers, and the unique features of your social interaction style.

Life Satisfaction:
You are not entirely satisfied with your current life situation.

The Personality Report was created by leading researchers and personality experts who want to make a difference in people's lives. We believe that knowing your personality well is the key to increasing your life satisfaction level. Why? You need to know your personality well in order to choose the people and surroundings that fit you best.

Your Personality Report will help you understand yourself better and make the right choices.


bogusboobs said...

I'm really struck by the number of folks in this little loose-knit "community" to which we belong who are unsatisfied with the current state of their lives. I've felt that way myself, but I have almost always immediately felt a little middle-class guilt about it.

What sayest thou, Shadow? I'd like to believe that, even given the built-in advantages which accompany the lucky place/race/sex of our births, we still deserve to be "happy."

Best wishes, dear.

Shadow of a Joke said...

It is rather disconcerting. Everyone does have a right to be happy. I'm not happy often, but this allows me to truely appreciate the brief moments of happiness when they come along.

bogusboobs said...

Bless you, then. Enjoy those moments when they happen.

eliza said...

'Currently dissatisfied with your life' that's me!! I didn't need a personality test to tell me that,I already knew. I also know that it is a passing phase,I'll get over it. It's dark and dingy and cold outside,I'm dark and dingy and cold inside. I often find my moods are affected by the weather, S.A.D. seems to run in my family.If I'd done the test in Spring or Summer my results would have been different.

Eliza xxx