Wednesday, November 30, 2005

A thought on the Irony of Life

She sits on the small brick wall, waiting patiently, a look of hope in her eyes as the minutes slowly tick by. At least a hundred people walk by, ascending the steps to the train, she sits unnoticed, a stranger in the crowd, and then he appears, over the crossing and up the lane. He approaches her with a grin of expectation upon his face; she rises and runs to him. They embrace in the centre of the road, oblivious to all around them, they are young and the world is theirs. I was unfortunate enough to bare witness to this disgusting display of affection, and all I could think was; wouldn't it be funny if a truck came along and hit them in this moment of passion. Them, in their own little world, feeling like they were on top of it, only to be killed by a truck and cast out of the world for good. Perhaps I am cynical, but I find it amusing when fate takes a hand by showing us the satire that is life. I wonder who would miss them; will anyone even notice their absence? The one person that would never forget them, that would have their faces embedded in his memory for life, would be that of the truck driver, and he'd never even met them. Why is it that we are at our most careless, at moments of pure bliss? Perchance it is life's way of showing us that infinite happiness can never be achieved, and the second we let our guard down, we will be attacked by every bad occurrence that life has to offer… I slowly come back to reality; the couple have gone moved on with their lives to never know the fate I wanted to befall them. I question their happiness and their future, are they really happy or is it just put on for public amusement, when they go home does he beat her, is she in actual fact, only happy due to her addiction to Prozac, is she secretly mixing thallium with his coffee (thallium is an active chemical used in most rat poisons) or is it something simple, like an affair. I'd like to think that they are truly happy, that their love will last forever, but as I've stated earlier, this is reality and although my thoughts don't amount to much, one of them is bound to end up right. So I ask myself this, would it be better to progress past the love, to the abuse, the addictions, the affair, the murder… or end the romance as it began, at a moment of pure bliss, and get hit by a truck.

1 comment:

Faye_Hart said...

I guess I am a hopeless romantic. My parents are still happilly in love. They still hold hands and snuggle. I know it's out there for all of us, somewhere. I think we just have to be unwilling to settle for less.