Thursday, December 01, 2005

5 faults 10 Facts - Because you asked so nicely.

5 Faults

1. I smoke, though I am contemplating quitting.

2. I remember when people intentionally hurt me and I hold a grudge for all eternity unless they apologies.

3. I don't exercise.

4. I envy other people.

5. I'm not emotional.

10 Facts

1. It's very hard to offend me as I don't take life to seriously.

2. I actually do care a great deal for others, but I'm not an emotional person so you wont see it.

3. I'm scared of life but I do love every moment of it.

4. I have excellent senses, it's wired but I can detect almost any smell, see farther/better than everyone I know, and taste every single little thing.

5. I can make anyone laugh and I'm at my happiest when I'm making people laugh.

6. I've been in four near death experiences, I was hit by a car, in a car that was flattened by a horse, hit buy a bus and been in an armed robbery, scary as they were they make me who I am, it might explain my love of life.

7. I'm in love with someone who I know will never love me.

8. I've been on TV too many times and I played a drug addict extra once in a movie.

9. I get stage fright, I shake all over, but I'm told it isn't noticeable.

10. I want to get my books published more than anything in the world, but the publisher only takes my poetry.


Criminal Minds Fan said...

You are a gifted writer and the publisher is an idiot.

Criminal Minds Fan said...

I should clarify that I mean he is an idiot to not publish your books and not because he publishs your poetry. :)

Shadow of a Joke said...

heheheh, either way, he's an idiot :)

eliza said...

They were great answers.

i'm with them about the publisher,stupid,stupid man!!

Eliza xxxx

Axe said...

I absolutely relate to answer #7.

I think you are with the wrong publisher, hon!
Where can I get my claws on your work?

Faye_Hart said...

What a twit. Have you shown him your dark writings? Probably. Talk to a different publisher.