Friday, December 09, 2005

Axe's Challenge

None of these are my best works, so I apologize if they are not that good or accurate.

This one I have not yet finished. I felt to do it any justice it would need to be longer, so here you will find the first half, I will have completed the yarn when I get back from my holidays, sadly I wont get back until next year, so if you wish to read a story complete, skip this one and read only the other two. However, if you like to be left in suspense waiting for an end, read on.

Take me to the time of the Saxons, invading Briton. Feature a female (Pictish) sex slave of a Saxon warlord, powerful in size and authority, ending up enslaving HIM, ultimately.

Elty screamed as Gareth dragged her from his tent by her hair. "You will learn your place," he said as he flung her to the ground. Gareth's men laughed at her, but Gareth took it as an insult to himself. He was the leader of a great army, how could he command them if he couldn't get a peasant slave girl to obey him. Gareth was a big built warrior, but it didn't lower his looks any. He was ruggardly handsome and women in every village he past would swoon over him. Whether it be his buldging bicepts, his wild untamed long blonde hair or his gilt-worked sword that shone like the sun in his hand. Sooner or later every woman wanted him. He accepted this, in fact, he had come to expect it, anything less was unacceptable. He spat on the ground and withdrew into his tent.

Elty lay disgraced in the mud, her skimply clad outfit muddied and torn barely covered her perfectly shaped slender figure. She was a pale creature, and would have probably been past over by most eyes were it not for her hair. Her long, bright red, fire-like hair. Elty was not Gareth's only slave, but she was the only one who refused him, if he hadn't wanted her so badly he would have thrown her to his men.

They were a burly lot, loyal to the last, but that was their one redeeming quality. There was no atrocity they wouldn't commit. They were fierce warriors solely because there was no low to which they wouldn't sink. The second in command was a vile brute by the name of Groll, his strength was second only to Gareth's, but he was more brute than brain. Known for his cannibalistic ways, in battle he would rip out the eyes of his enemy and eat them while his enemies heart still beat. He believed that by eating their eyes, he captured their souls. He also had quite the skull collection. They all had skulls, the camp was full of them, the warriors displayed them like trophies. Many of them had not been properly cleaned, but with their cleaning technique,that wasn't at all surprising. They would cut off the heads of their victims, mount them on a stick place the stick in the ground downwind of the campsite and let the vultures and crows pick the remains clean.

1 comment:

Faye_Hart said...

Now who wouldn't want to bed that bunch. Chuckle. ;) Very good.