Thursday, December 08, 2005

My Canvas

The world is moving again. For the longest time I've been watching the world and things stopped moving along time ago, but as I watched the ground today, I saw it moving before me. I don't mean regular movement; that has never been of any concern to me. I mean magical movement, the kind of movement people take drugs just to witness. I used to see that movement all the time, then one day it just stopped. It's back with me today. I look up and the sky is melting. I look down and my feet have become part of the river of rocks that is running under my legs. The buildings are swaying to the music, a tree is attacking a car and I have to get out of the rocks because a 767 Quantas jet is floating downstream. Cars are flying around like mosquitoes and buses are humping trains. The people remain normal, well as normal as humanly possible. Now I know not everyone can see these things, but just because I can doesn't mean there's anything wrong with me. It does explain why I'm so scared of everything. I keep seeing a giant cockroach chasing me around with a thong. Strange I know, but you take some drugs and you'll see it too, and I guarantee you, you'll run. Some of my best artworks were based on the absurd world I see before me. I don't knock it. I find it amazing that I can see this world without any drug use. I just wonder why is went away. And why it returned today.


Shadow of a Joke said...

Drugs don't work right for me, they give me a different effect and one I've never liked, so I steer clear of them all. Though I will always want to try cocaine, just once although I'm sure I never will. It's said to be a mind stimulant and a wonder with a mind like mine, what effects will occur.

Anonymous said...

Gee, Shadow. With or without drugs I have never been able to see the world in any other way than black and white. What an awesome gift you have.

Faye_Hart said...

I'd run from a giant cockroach with a thong, too. EEEKKK! I think I used to date him.

Shadow of a Joke said...

I think I used to date him.
