Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The power of words

It's amazing how two people who normally wouldn't speak to each other can be brought together by a simple word. The word was CTHULHU, Rob mentioned it, I spotted the reference and instantly we had each others attention. We were both H P Lovecraft fans, it's not a big deal in itself, well not to me, but Rob seemed ecstatic at the discovery. We talked for quite a while after that, it turns out we both have some of the same books, not all the same books, but one interest is enough to spark a conversation.

occasions like this make me wonder, what interests may I share with people I don't talk to much? Will these closed doors ever open up and a friendship blossom forth? How many things do I not know about my associates? I'm not one to remember who likes what unless I can see some advantage to that information, I am more known for my accumulation of knowledge of facts. I can find purpose in that, if only to inflate my ego. Should I be paying attention to the people instead? Will they fill that void knowledge can't? But what will we talk about if not knowledge of something?

People are fascinating but infinitely confusing, still, it's amazing what you can achieve with the power of words.


Axe said...

Our Blogs are proof of it, Shadow. I still prefer this kind of conversation, because it's safe and somehow infallable, don't you think?
Someone could be a total asshole in real life, but when they play with words, the deeper things come out and you get to know the face on the other side of the mirror, so to speak. Same person, but because of a common word or assosiation, two enemies acn be allies.

Axe said...

By the way, I love Lovecraft too. My daughter's favorite writer.

Faye_Hart said...

My favorite role playing games are based on Lovecraft's novels. I'm sending a stuffed Cthulu wearing a Santa hat to J.T. for Christmas.

If you are interested, Troll and Toad is an online store that carries stuffed Cthulu inspired toys.